As the WordPress for iPad app still hates me and my blogs, I am playing around with other possibilities for blogging on the road. I don’t want to schlepp my MacBook all over the place, so it would be nice…

I Didn’t Fall Off The Face Of The Earth…
It has been way too quiet for way too long here on my blog. Life and my day job have taken over, which happened to be both good and bad. Good for me, bad for my blog. In the near…

My Travel Unicorn: The Perfect Travel Purse
Bags, especially purses and backpacks, are one of my many weaknesses. Over the years, I have builtĀ up quite a collection, and with every new bag I buy, I am convinced that’s The One. At least for the moment. When it…

Road Tripping The Scottish Way: Accommodation
In 2014 we decided to travel through Scotland with my parents for two weeks, which led to a little less spontaneity and a little more planning in advance than we usually do, not wanting to risk a late night search for…

Q & A: The Liebster Award
The Liebster Award is basically a set of eleven questions given to upcoming bloggers by fellow bloggers. Each nominee then comes up with their own eleven questions and nominates some more bloggers, thus helping build an audience. Thank you, Arzo…

Double Rainbows & Feeling Anti-Social About Social Media
My original plan was to have Jetpack publish each and every post I write here to my brand-new Facebook page and my equally brand-new Twitter. Well, turns out Jetpack has different plans. I definitely am no techie, my usual approach…

It’s alive!
My brand-new blog is born, and even though it is still a tiny little thing, I am quite confident it will do its older sibling, mostly German, proud by being its English-speaking sidekick. While is the reincarnation of…