As I’ve decided to start a new series on my blog about cities I love, it only seemed fitting to choose Hannover, Germany to be the first city featured – after all, it is my chosen hometown, and I have…

As I’ve decided to start a new series on my blog about cities I love, it only seemed fitting to choose Hannover, Germany to be the first city featured – after all, it is my chosen hometown, and I have…
The Liebster Award is basically a set of eleven questions given to upcoming bloggers by fellow bloggers. Each nominee then comes up with their own eleven questions and nominates some more bloggers, thus helping build an audience. Thank you, Arzo…
There are lots of reasons why I keep coming back to California. Since my first trip to San Francisco in the early 90s with my parents, I have traveled to California nine times – once with my parents, once with…
Just to get this out of the way first: I am not affiliated with Barry M., I don’t get any compensation for this review, it’s all my very own opinion, my own photos, and I even paid for the little…