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Travel. Blog. Repeat. That’s what I’ve been doing on and off since 2007, mostly in German and mostly for family back home. I still blog in German, so if you want to read on in German, just pop over to willruth.rocks.

It might be a good way to plump up this brand-new blog, but I have no interest in translating and re-publishing what I have written in the past eight years. A major part of this blog will deal with travel, as the name implies, although that’s not my one and only interest.


Presenting my abysmal selfie-skills at Stonehenge

So, a short introduction might be in order:

Hi, I’m Svenja, pleased to meet you!

When I’m not traveling and blogging, I teach 9th and 10th grade English and Phys.Ed. at a German comprehensive school (IGS or Integrierte Gesamtschule for the German speakers here). My husband and I pretty much try to use all available vacation time for traveling, or at least for spectacularly awesome staycations. We don’t always succeed, but hey, that’s life 😉

Apart from travel-related content, you might occasionally find posts about one or the other non-travel obsession of mine, for example nail polish and nail art, bags and purses, or my newest sporty favorite – “Zombies, run!”

I might even write the odd review here and there, as I totally love reading those on other people’s blogs.


All photos on this site by Svenja or Thomas Willruth unless otherwise noted.